Canoeing and Kayaking in Scotland

Scotland offers all sorts of canoeing and kayaking, from tranquil paddling across calm lochs to severe white water conditions on grade 6 stretches. The companies listed below can help you make the most of your paddling, whether it's equipment hire, kayak instruction or a multi-day canoe trip across Scotland.

Sea kayaking

There can be few better adventures than kayaking across the open sea, and with its myriad small islands, Scotland makes a wonderful place to explore by kayak. You will have excellent opportunities to see whales, dolphins and other wildlife as you travel remote and breathtaking scenery. The following Scottish companies provide sea kayaking training and/or expeditions in various parts of Scotland - please follow one of their links below for further details.

Open canoe expeditions

An open canoe expedition will take you back to a time before roads when the best way to get around Scotland was by water. Of course we've got roads now - lot's of them! - but all the more reason to get away from them with an open canoe trip through some of Scotland's wildest and most beautiful landscapes.



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Canoeing, Kayaking
Open canoe expeditions
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